The daily rewards always end after five days with a container. The probability to get a common train with a maximum load of 20 is very high. Usually you don't need this train.

Every five days the order of the rewards is different and the contents change - sometimes the row contains gold gears, some times purple gears, sometimes only grey gears but on the other hand a higher amount of coins.


Some of the special sequences might be especially valuable for you. You might be interested to get the gems and the gold gears.

For me the purple gems are of special interest (and the gems too, of course).

When you find an order you like, you can force it to repeat by not collecting the final train.

Allow the train to sit untouched for a full 24-hour period on the final day (the train day) and then the sequence you were in will repeat instead of changing to a new sequence. By doing so you can keep claiming the rewards you want rather than getting a new sequence the following week which may not have some of the things you want.

By the way, if you accidentally click on the train you can still save yourself. Just full exit out of the game (and close it in the background) without hitting the claim button and you'll preserve your streak.